Privacy policy

Privacy policy

 Dear visitors,

 Our website / online store is organized in such a way that it generally allows you to visit us on the Internet without identifying yourself or providing any personal information. In order for you to easily find this declaration, we provide you with access to it by placing it at the bottom of our homepage.
In cases where you wish to provide you with the products and services you wish to purchase, we need information and this privacy statement describes the collection of data and their use in such cases.
This privacy statement applies only to Medicopharm K EOOD

 The personal data provided by you are information that serves for your identification, ie. name, address, email address, phone. We do not collect personal data unless you request it in specific cases, such as when ordering products. The users of this online store are our customers and we protect their personal data. We use this data to understand your needs and interests and to serve you better. In addition to the information you provide, we may collect other information during your visit to our site using automatic data collection tools that include cookies, links, pages and the like.

 This information is stored in our database so that we can respond to your possible inquiry or send you the purchased goods to the address specified by you. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties, except for the delivery of a product purchased by you or to legally authorized persons.
Minors are not allowed to give personal data on the site of the e-shop without the permission of their parents or guardians.

Medicopharm K EOOD collects and processes personal data of users in the capacity of Personal Data Administrator, duly registered with the Commission for Personal Data Protection under number ................... ...............

The company guarantees to its clients the confidentiality of the provided information and personal data.

The information we collect to understand your needs and interests helps us make your visit consistent and personalized. For example, we may use your information to:

• help with filling an order;
• inform about products or services;
• provide services and support;
• notifiable of new services or goods;
• provide personalized promotional offers;
• choose content to be shown to you;
• to process an order payment

Medicopharm K EOOD undertakes not to edit or disclose personal information without the express prior permission of the users, except in cases where it must comply with a legal procedure.

 The statement for protection of personal data is valid for the e-shop of Medicopharm K EOOD. Our site may contain links to other providers for whom we cannot be responsible for their privacy. When leaving this site, please inquire about the privacy statement of any site that collects personal information.
In the event of changes in our privacy policy, they will be published on our website.
This policy is part of the Terms of Use of this site and as such should be applied and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.