General terms of use

General conditions for use of the website and e-shop

Dear customers, please read and get acquainted with the current Terms of Service of the store

1. General conditions

These General Terms and Conditions constitute a legally binding, binding agreement between the store (store) and the users (you) in connection with the services offered by By browsing the pages, clicking on the sites or links located on the pages of, you agree, accept and agree to abide by these Terms of Service. is a registered trademark of Medicopharm K EOOD.

Medicopharm K EOOD is a company registered under the Commercial Law of the Republic of Bulgaria, with registered office and address of management:

Sofia 1504, 64 Chataldja Str

 UIC: 201851778; VAT number: BG201851778


2. About the confidentiality of your data processes and takes measures for protection of personal data of users in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act. Users agree that has the right to process their personal data in connection with the use of the services of the website. In order to serve you and fulfill your orders, it is necessary to accept the following data:

 - name and surname

 - e-mail

 - contact telephone

 - address for invoice and delivery

 - ZIP code

 Subsequently, you have the opportunity to correct this data from your personal profile.

 The data we will receive when ordering, registering or browsing the pages will be used only for your service - receiving and executing orders, contacting you in case of problems with the order and improving the service at http: // biodefence. eu. We guarantee that this data will not be provided in any form to third parties or used for purposes other than those described above.

 Your user profile can be deleted from the system of together with the data attached to it if you wish.

 3. The order

 Each order of a product or service through the system of is associated with an obligation to pay by your chosen method of payment. We accept orders 24 hours a day, also on weekends and public holidays. In the order process, you have the opportunity to see the products you buy and their prices, your names, e-mail, phone, address, postal code, method of delivery and method of payment. After completing the order and if this is your first order on the specified phone you will receive a call from us confirming the same information. For each subsequent order you will receive a confirmation only by e-mail. You will be notified by e-mail about the change in the status of the order (confirmation, processing, sending, etc.). You can monitor the status of the current as well as previous orders from your personal profile.

Ordering product (s) through the e-shop means express consent to enter into a distance selling contract, which is regulated by the Consumer Protection Act.

 4. Prices

 All prices are in BGN with VAT included. The prices of the products are shown without the delivery price, which you can find out about from the following page: or get information about it in the order process. The prices of products with discounts for quantities of the type of "Price when ordering x pieces" are valid only for online orders of the respective quantity.

5. Problems in the execution of the order

Although we strive to execute all orders accurately, the execution of your order may be hindered for any of the following reasons:

1. We do our best to have stock and update stock in a timely manner, but it is possible that some of the ordered products are not available; in this case we will contact you as soon as possible by phone or email

2. You have provided incorrect or incomplete delivery details - names, address, telephone, postal code.

In case of discrepancy between the received and ordered products or inaccuracy due to our fault, we will bear the costs of subsequent return and replacement of non-compliant products. If delivery is not possible through no fault of (you are not at the specified address or do not answer the supplier's calls), your order will be returned to us while we contact you.

6. Payment

Orders are paid at your choice, according to one of the methods specified in the e-shop. When choosing a payment method other than cash on delivery, you agree to pay the price of your order in advance to the bank account specified by us.

We offer 1 method of payment:

1. Payment upon delivery: upon receipt of the order, you pay the courier.

7. Delivery and receipt of products

1. By sending an order confirmation, you agree to pay the price of the selected products and the specified price.